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sales academy

This industry has some of the best salespeople out there, but finding the time, materials and budget to train can be a challenge. At Superstat we are uniquely placed to be able to take advantage of economies of scale in order to offer monthly, online training sessions designed to people sell more effectively, make more money and ultimately achieve their business goals.

Many sales people are naturally keen to be the best they can be. Taking place for one hour per month over 12 months, we will bring people together to learn, share problems and inspire each other, under the direction of our tried and tested training partner – Sandler Training.

Open to Everyone

Sandler Training is a sales approach that is life changing for many sales professionals. So we decided to make this available to everyone giving you the opportunity to join in and experience the power of Sandler Training for yourself.

Book your place

The cost per team is £49/month for Superstat members and £179/month for non-members.